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A cigar cutter is essential for enjoying a cigar, as it allows you to make a clean, precise cut to the end of the cigar, which allows you to light and smoke the cigar. When choosing a cigar cutter, there are several important factors to consider. Firstly, you want to look for a cutter that is made of high-quality materials, such as stainless steel, which are durable and will not get dull or corrode over time.
Secondly, you want to look for a cutter that offers a clean, precise cut, such as a double-bladed guillotine cutter or a v-cutter. These types of cutters provide a clean, straight cut that minimizes the risk of damaging the cigar and ruining the smoking experience. Additionally, you want to look for a cutter that is easy to use, as well as one that is aesthetically pleasing and matches your personal style. With these factors in mind, you should be able to find a cigar cutter that will help you enjoy the best possible smoking experience.
There are ways to get around smoking a cigar if you don't have a cutter, if you are interested in trying them out check out this article.
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