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Low-Pro Humidor

When your looking for a humidor that can double as a display piece look no further than this slick carbon fiber humidor. A perfect marriage of design and function this humidor is fit to be front and center on any cigar lover's desk or countertop.

This sturdy and lightweight cigar humidor is the perfect addition to any collection. Featuring both a carbon fiber outer casing and fragrant cedar interior this humidor can keep your favorite cigars at the perfect temperature and humidity with ease. What really brings the whole humidor together is the triangular metal plate, featuring custom engraving, located in the center of the front of the humidor, it provides a focal point for this humidor.

This humidor can be easily personalized by adding your guy's name to the personalization box at the top of the page. Please follow the example below.

Example: Carter


  • Width:10.50 (in)
  • Height:1.75 (in)
  • Depth:7.50 (in)